my friends said that they want their names to be spread around and they also don't go on your servers. reply if its really necessary to give u their names
I want NAMES AND HOME addresses! Ill do a scared straight episode on them!
they don't want to me to mention their names ok im not gonna betray my friends and by the way how are u going to scare them straight if u dont know who your gonna scare
Edit: just give me another chance i promise i will NEVER EVER hack again im sorry :-[
If you give us their names and steam ids, I PROMISE we will have some sort of interaction with them that will let them know we disaprove of them hacking. If you do this, I am sure the Admins will be more than willing to look at your application with a lighter tone. Possibly lesson the ban even. None of this is a gaurantee so you better act fast if you want to try and secure this.