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Full Version: banned again and for what?
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The demo has been up on sourcebans for a few minutes, I was trying to watch it myself but it seems corrupt to me. Let me know if it works for anyone else. I'm gonna lower this to a 24 hour ban for now unless I can get the demo to work, simply for claiming to use an aimbot on our server. Even if your not it, is a waste of everyones time and inappropriate. If you are going to make a claim like that be prepared for me to take it at face value.
I doubt he hacks. He's a regular on office. I'll check out the demo though.
i dont hack so yeah

Well, regardless of whether you hack of not, it seems like you've already got an extensive list of prior bans for spamming mic on our server. I think the reduced ban of 1 day is probably warranted in one way or another considering this.  :Smile

You'll be unbanned on 08-26-11 14:3

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