Hello, I always play on your guys servers, their my favorite. I was playing the other day and my roomate asked if he could play and I said sure, I came into the room and saw that he had installed a damn hack and was using Aimbot, Wallhack, Speedhack, and No-recoil hack, all at once, idiot. I got pissed and went to Alt-f4 before anything happened, but it was too late, I got kicked from the server. I always play your servers as Snuck{4-1-5} and I have never been accused of hacking because I dont hack, I never have and I never will. I am terribly sorry about this, it was not my intention to hack your server, I really just want to get back on the servers, I miss Dust 2 and Office, all my buddies are on your server and every other server sucks. I'm a pretty good player (Rank 73), never hacked in my life, you can ask your admin Naive, I played with him for like 3 hours the other day and we talked on Voice Chat and everything. I'm really very sorry of this incident and I wont happen again, I just really want to get back to Office and take out some T's!!!!
this is a very common excuse!

But please wait a senior admin will evaluate your case an reply here!
It's true that I've played with Snuck for quite a while, we talked for a while just yesterday and I even specced him and he didn't even seem suspicious at all to me. He is one of the regulars on office and seems like a good guy to me, plays strategically, knows everyone. I highly doubt he would have done this, as I believe I even mentioned about how the automated hack detectors get most of those nowadays as they were hitting tons of people while we were in the server. He had expressed some interest in becoming admin some day and I find it incredibly hard to believe that after our conversation he would have gone and immediately installed hacks. Also, I believe I had played with him right up untill he had told me he had to leave and do something. I do think the story is probably true, just my 2 bits.
I can't edit his post for him anymore, but here is his info..
id: STEAM_0:0:1110579857
reason: SMAC: Eye Angles Violation by console
If you look through his chat, it does seem like a different person to me in his last session that he was banned in.
naive Wrote:If you look through his chat, it does seem like a different person to me in his last session that he was banned in.
I analyzed the chat logs and it looked similar the whole way through, full of idiocy.
Ah, I only really looked at the ones from his last session and compared to how he seemed to me yesterday. Either way everyone really has to be responsible for their own steam id. If you let someone play on your computer, it still is your responsibility if they hack using it. This story in particular is rather generic and bland, but I was just still surprised by it is all. In voice chat he almost seemed intelligent to me, and this is just an incredibly silly thing to do.
Yeah I'm really sorry guys, I don't want you thinking that I'm a hax, because I'm not. Yeah I know I said some pretty immature stuff on the server, but come on, who hasn't in the past?? I promise that I will be on better behavior, but you wont have to worry about me hacking, nothing like that will ever happen again. I just really want to play the servers again, lol, I miss them. And thank you Naive, for having my back, I really appreciate that man. So can I please get unbanned guys? I'm tired of playing on these crappy servers where nobody speaks english, PLEASE!!! I cant stand them!!
P.S. - The second half of the chat was my hax roommate, I rarely type in chat because I'm always on my mic. I got mad at him and he said that he will log in on his account and apologize if it will get me back on the servers, LOL you can ban him for the hax if you want hahaha
Whatever, you guys can ignore this post, I just bought CS:S on steam, I was playing from Setti non-steam, so the issue is resolved, thanks guys!!
Snuck{4-1-5}™ Wrote:Whatever, you guys can ignore this post, I just bought CS:S on steam, I was playing from Setti non-steam, so the issue is resolved, thanks guys!!
It's not really resolved though, is it. You just evaded the ban.
Snuck{4-1-5}™ Wrote:Whatever, you guys can ignore this post, I just bought CS:S on steam, I was playing from Setti non-steam, so the issue is resolved, thanks guys!!
We got your IP....
I don't understand, why am I banned again? I already explained what had happened ^^^ I'm not hacking man. I just want to play the servers. I ask you guys to please un-bann me, I apologize and I'm extremely nice, and I get ignored. But once I say that I bought steam so I could play in your servers, then you guys notice my post and decide to bann me again. C'mon guys, I only play on your servers and I bought Steam CS:S just so I could play on your servers, please un-bann me guys, I'll make a damn donation or something if we can get this taken care of a little faster, I just want to play the War-Lord servers.
You guys dont need to come hunting me down man, I'm well known on the servers, I'm respected on the servers, and I have never been accused of hacking n the servers, even one of your admins came along and stood up for me, I mean. . . what more could you guys want?