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Full Version: Banned
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Hi, I was playing in a Full Rotation server minutes ago, and I was banned for no reason. I don't know who did it but it was collateral damage and I would like to appeal it.

you were banned for an aimbot.... might as well as admit it.
I do not aimbot, and it is amazing that you would even consider me a hacker. Without proper proof of an aimbot I feel that this was a biased ban.
Biased on what....?
I feel that as a Junior Admin that your opinion is highly inexperienced and that without proof i.e. demo, screenshots, etc., and unless you are planning on posting proper proof of said accusation, I was banned for no reason. No one should be banned for something they didn't do.
here you go! have a great day! please let the root admins decide on your appeal.
That is hardly proof to your accusation of me aimbotting. Non of those shots were flick shots nor did any of them provide any shaking of any type. I would love to keep this civilized but if you think that those shots are evidence of a present aimbot, than you are at best a disabled kid. Anyone viewing this thread, I would love for you to download the demo and post your opinion here. Clearly we have a Badmin who doesn't know the first thing about Source Aimbots. In addition, I would hope you present this thread to a Root admin so they can prove how much of a Badmin you are.

Best Regards ^_^,
Is this a joke?

Protest accepted; unbanned.

For future reference: A Steam ID should be provided in both the protest and the evidence. This can be obtained and stored in the demo via the "status" command or by use of Simple Spectate.