Rank you want: Global mod
reason:Well with PaSS gone to GD i think they should be one more global mod.
Pass is still on here, but, good luck.

Knowpain Wrote:(DREAM'S Sig)
WTF? ??? ??? ??? ??
what one?(Fuck you if you hate the linux one.)
KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® Wrote:Hmm to young.
hate to admit this, but +1
I fail to understand why 13 is too young.
Mawped Wrote:I fail to understand why 13 is too young.
Some reasons why 13 is too young for illegal type drugs.
#1: 13 is an age at which an individual is still quite ignorant and naive, and so, far less likely to make well informed decisions about things like drugs. Such a person is likely to be very impressionable/ easy to influence (especially by older friends/family) into making unbalanced judgements (In which they are not fully aware of the true disadvantages or advantages related to the use of various drugs).
#2: A thirteen year old's brain is far from being fully developed, and this critical development has strong potential to be distorted/negatively effected by the use of certain drugs (Cannabis is known to damage brain cells).
Edit: woops wrong thread.