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I was play non steam ccs in windowed mode while playing facebook Sims. I Opened Cheat Engine and proccessed google chrome to use speed hack, but when i clicked back into ccs i was banned. Please investigate further.

Name: Twins
Steam ID:errr, i dont know how to find out.
I checked our ban list, and there are 5 bans with your name on them in 5 different servers by console in the space of 2 hours, all with different Steam IDs but with the same name. They have all been banned by our anti cheat plugin for Eye Angles Violation.

I don't really understand your ban protest either, but it seems like you are admitting to hacking? Can you please be a bit more clear Smile

I don't think you'll be getting unbanned Sad
I tried using diffrerent non steam counter strike downloads but when i join game, i just got banned
I'll give you credit for trying, but you kept getting banned by the plugin because you were hacking, according to the plugin.

I think I'll wait for a root admin to comment on this.
Cheating is against our rules. We're not going to unban you.