hey all, i believe most of u already know who i am =P
as of today, at 10:30PM GMT +10, there's an admin that abuse his power on MG server...
at first he only toogle some players gravity(i assume this is his/her friends)
but then, he gagged a player, ban him for mic spamming(when the fact is he's not)<<i dont have a ss for this one, but maybe some of the witnesses will come here to give their reports..
and whats more, he cancel the votemap for nextmap twice..
i got the ss for the 2nd time he did it...
i dont know who the hell is this f**kin admin, but one thing i know he speak russian..
i cant see his name, so i take all of the players' steam id on that server
![[Image: hl22011-09-1922-26-45-22.jpg]](http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp125/DarKKz_CS/hl22011-09-1922-26-45-22.jpg)
И что тебе не нравится? то что даю все гравитацию? ;D а голосование отменяю чтоб люди играли, а не так как ТЫ зашел и сразу пишешь rtv... я тебе уже сказал... не нравится иди на другой сервер, дай по играть другим
And what do you not like? then give all that gravity? ;D and cancel the vote so that people played, not because you came right away and write rtv ... I already said ... I do not like go to a different server, let me play on another >

And what do you not like about it? Don't you like me giving gravity to others? I cancel vote so that people can enjoy the map, because you just type rtv as soon as you join the game. I already told you if you don't like it you can go to another server, let others play what they want.
Translated by me. Google translator messed it up for him. He doesn't speak English=(
ruplayer Wrote:And what do you not like about it? Don't you like me giving gravity to others? I cancel vote so that people can enjoy the map, because you just type rtv as soon as you join the game. I already told you if you don't like it you can go to another server, let others play what they want.
Translated by me. Google translator messed it up for him. He doesn't speak English=(
Спасибо, лучше ты меня Английскому учи

we dont even know who the admin is, hey, im not the only one whos thinking like this...
i could careless about the toggling gravity thing, but cancel vote? cmon man.. it was done twice, and it wasnt when we just came...
we played bobiii that day twice already, and it was almost for 1 hour only for 1 map...
the one who rtv is the majority of the ppl...
let me get this straight... course map are meant to be hard, if u toggling grav to make it easy, its better to not even play that map since on bobii u cant die...
the lv18-20?its all about jumping to the right place, with grav?fuck all that i have to say...
what about banned basketball -eg on frightnight coz he was mic spamming while the fact he's not?
i know that i dont have a ss for this, but red7eagle was there...
when most of us was like asking "who's the admin?"
nobody answers, so i do what i think was the right thing to do...
toggling grav on his friends? well i dont care, but cancelling vote? to make sure that everybody is having fun and not change the map right after it goes?
there was people that are on lvl 18-19 already man!! its already almost the end!!
thats why theres this rtv thing, to make it so that we can change the map when we feel sick of it
-VeeL.xyLoneZ` Wrote:we dont even know who the admin is, hey, im not the only one whos thinking like this...
i could careless about the toggling gravity thing, but cancel vote? cmon man.. it was done twice, and it wasnt when we just came...
we played bobiii that day twice already, and it was almost for 1 hour only for 1 map...
the one who rtv is the majority of the ppl...
let me get this straight... course map are meant to be hard, if u toggling grav to make it easy, its better to not even play that map since on bobii u cant die...
the lv18-20?its all about jumping to the right place, with grav?fuck all that i have to say...
what about banned basketball -eg on frightnight coz he was mic spamming while the fact he's not?
i know that i dont have a ss for this, but red7eagle was there...
when most of us was like asking "who's the admin?"
nobody answers, so i do what i think was the right thing to do...
toggling grav on his friends? well i dont care, but cancelling vote? to make sure that everybody is having fun and not change the map right after it goes?
there was people that are on lvl 18-19 already man!! its already almost the end!!
thats why theres this rtv thing, to make it so that we can change the map when we feel sick of it
Ну нахуй ты пиздишь сука!!! ты писал ртв как только карта появилась. кстати баскетбола не кто не банил и не выключал ему не чего
ты написал слово РТВ раз этак 100
про баскетбола вообще молчу...
как ты думаешь почему люди тоже начали писать ртв? да лижбы ты заткнулся
"гравитацию друзьям" нет. кто просил тому и давал. это можешь увидеть в чате
в следующий раз за спам в чате получишь вечный бан

I am going to type this here because I don't know who to message, Macka or Ruplayer.
I don't think he should have cancelled the RTV or changed the gravity, but I don't think it's such a big deal that someone should make a thread about it and say it's admin abuse. Course maps are meant to be difficult, so changing the gravity on players so that they can complete them is kinda wrong. If people can't do the course or hate the map, they have a right to RTV and vote for a new map.
But I don't think that there should have been a thread made about it. It's not admin abuse, it doesn't constitute as that. It is the Mini Games server, and the emphasis is meant to be on fun. If changing the gravity is making the server more fun, then I think that's fine, although I think it should stop on course maps as they are one of the few maps that require players to have skill on an MG server.
Also he didn't respond because he doesn't speak English. Basketball wasn't banned either. He has never been banned. I checked our ban logs.
That's it really
LOL also I used Google Translate to translate what Macka said, and the last bit said "next time for spam in the chat will receive eternal ban". ETERNAL BAN хаха!
19 сент 2011 08:05:58 ban me pls (wL) Mini Games :: WAR-LORDS.NET
19 сент 2011 08:05:55 yo admin, (wL) Mini Games :: WAR-LORDS.NET

well, since the person thats involved is here...
just so he know, next time pls say something on the server..
so that we actually know whos changing the grav and such..
anyway case solved =P