As you may be aware, I've been slowly working my way through all of these custom maps in my spare time. Quite a few of them have either had errors, missing textures, or just been far too laggy/big. I took the liberty of removing quite a few of them from the proposed custom server map pack. At the moment, it looks as though we have about 18 maps ready for the custom map server, not including the de_cpl maps and most likely losttemple_pro.
Thanks for the suggestions, Gemini. I'm going to be honest with you now, kismayohdr is easily one of the worst and most boring custom maps I have played. It got RTV'd a lot on the custom map server I used to frequent. The other suggestions look good though, but I am mainly after maps that look like they have had a lot of time put into them. The problem with custom maps is literally anyone can make them, but not a lot of people put the time and effort into making them GOOD. The key to this custom maps server is "balance". We should have maps that are not one sided, or too camp-y.
Also, Spiffy has nothing to do with this. He got the ball rolling, and everything after that is purely the community coming together

Thanks Spiffy, you're one hell of a gal

Also you spelt "hostage" wrong

Added these Zombie maps today:
Thank you Matt for your hard work, I bet it takes a lot to do that process :o
We need a root admin that can understand the map like M. Bison to head into the mg server and play invisibleman_beta6 because it seems to be glitched. The problem being that when a terrorist is killed and the console chooses a new one the new terrorist cannot spawn and is eventually forced back to the ct team and one of the ct's has to manually join T to get the game rolling again. I would like if you could fix it so we don't have an unfair selection of who is T because one person is faster than the other when switching sides. Thank you. It started this about a week ago some time after the update.
- James - Wrote:We need a root admin that can understand the map like M. Bison to head into the mg server and play invisibleman_beta6 because it seems to be glitched. The problem being that when a terrorist is killed and the console chooses a new one the new terrorist cannot spawn and is eventually forced back to the ct team and one of the ct's has to manually join T to get the game rolling again. I would like if you could fix it so we don't have an unfair selection of who is T because one person is faster than the other when switching sides. Thank you. It started this about a week ago some time after the update.
really? I didnt know that.
I think the glitch is caused by the new terrorist, he is
slow to choose the T model, so other player catches the T earlier.
The T team will be empty , even when the new T
is choosing the T model ATM. When he is choosing the T model, he is not a T yet, still a spectator. And sometimes that glitch will make the map to restart, because when the T team is empty, the game will not continue or restart until a T is there. When the T is there, the Game Commencing text will appear and map restarted to its starting time(20 mins). Ppl will have to rtv to change map, because the map is endless ( with that glitch)
mar_heave Wrote:- James - Wrote:We need a root admin that can understand the map like M. Bison to head into the mg server and play invisibleman_beta6 because it seems to be glitched. The problem being that when a terrorist is killed and the console chooses a new one the new terrorist cannot spawn and is eventually forced back to the ct team and one of the ct's has to manually join T to get the game rolling again. I would like if you could fix it so we don't have an unfair selection of who is T because one person is faster than the other when switching sides. Thank you. It started this about a week ago some time after the update.
really? I didnt know that.
I think the glitch is caused by the new terrorist, he is slow to choose the T model, so other player catches the T earlier.
The T team will be empty , even when the new T is choosing the T model ATM. When he is choosing the T model, he is not a T yet, still a spectator. And sometimes that glitch will make the map to restart, because when the T team is empty, the game will not continue or restart until a T is there. When the T is there, the Game Commencing text will appear and map restarted to its starting time(20 mins). Ppl will have to rtv to change map, because the map is endless ( with that glitch)
It use to be caused by the newer terrorist being selected, that's what caused the commencing game you are correct but now no matter how fast you choose a skin you will never spawn as a T if you are selected by the console. It has to be manually selected by a ct that is already living or has not been switched to T the previous turn.
This problem happened before! Its caused by some respawn fix that causes users not to be able to go to spectate and rejoin. Bloodlust spoke to the root admin and he changed it back but now it appears that its been changed again. This is a real problem on several mg maps
nice,. i never knew my maps are popular map now on some zombie servers