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Re: Testy Thoughtless Thirsty Tiger / Admin app

I know he isn't tuna! its an inside joke! Tongue
Re: Testy Thoughtless Thirsty Tiger / Admin app

Thanks alot guys, and its fun calling me tuna for some reason xDDD. I will keep playing and will Reply back when I hit 5+ days thanks for leting me know Rabbit
Re: Testy Thoughtless Thirsty Tiger / Admin app

CONGRADUALATIONS!!!! You get to pull an ALL NIGHTER!!!! Big Grin  Gl Tiger fish
Re: Testy Thoughtless Thirsty Tiger / Admin app

Rofl, thanks Big Grin
Ansthetic312 Wrote:Name: Testy Thoughtless Thirsty Tiger

Steam ID : Steam_0:1:44236437

Age: 15.

Timezone: Central, TX

Availability: If I dont sleep I am online Big GrinBig Grin

Tell us something about yourself:I am from Europe Bulgaria Moved to the US about year and a half ago,I play guitar, draw, get along with people pretty easy and play alot of video games lol, been playing alot of CSS lately and realy dont play other games besides Rift so I am pretty active in CSS. Recently joined AngryAnimals, AWESOME clan rofl.

Reason For Admin Application: I've been scriming alot lately, and I will keep scriming alot so I would like to make some Scrims of my own and have things under control.

If I do get Admin I have no problem with staying active on the forums, and even tho my knowledge of hacks isn't very good is no problem to learn about them.
I belive I have 5 days played and I would like to have my Admin app Reevaluated if possible =], and if I do get admin at some point I will make sure i have reason and proof for banning/kicking or any action I have as admin.
Good luck!
thanks Nananananam =]
Admin Application: IN EVALUATION

Thank you for your admin application. We will be evaluating it, and reply as soon as possible.
We've decided to give you access to the scrim server rather than full admin. If you're caught abusing this power, then you will have it stripped and depending on the severity of the abuse, you could possibly be banned.

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