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Full Version: Since Full Rotation is gone
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Hi again,

Since the Full Rotation server has been removed, how about moving some of the maps onto the Popular Maps servers? There are some really good ones in there that will be missed!
Give us some suggestions then Smile
that is really good idea, yeah can you move all maps from full rotation to server #1 and 4. lol so these servers will be called popfull servers  :Smile

yaaaa I would probably just go ahead and, sort of, move them all? haha :p
well, those are my fav starting with night feeeeeevaaaaaaaa.
Thanks for the suggestion. We'll see what we can do Smile
what?  :o :o :o :o :o :o i never played nightfever before?  :o
Most of them will probably eventually end up on them after time, as you know most of the CS:S server hates change so I think Bison want's to give people time to adjust to them.
as long as mill makes it on there ASASP i think a lot of ppl will be happy!