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I while back there was a glitch in csConfused that made it to where there were ghost players in the servers that were taking up the server slots. I thought that this issue was resolved after a couple of updates ago. It looks like this issue is back.

This is caused when the map changes and some players quit. The server keeps the slots for those players even though they are no longer in the server.
There was a temp fix for this when it was an issue.
This is what you would do when it was an issue last time.

Put this in your server.cfg

sv_master_legacy_mode 1
setmaster remove hl2master.steampowered.com:27011
setmaster remove hl2master.steampowered.com:27015
setmaster add hl2master.steampowered.com:27011
setmaster add hl2master.steampowered.com:27015

This might fix it until the next update.

Looking at pop maps #2 right now, it looks like the server is full but with 14 ghost players taking up slots.

[Image: hlsw.png]
Last time this happened, I'm pretty sure players could get into the server by connecting by the IP in console. (Obviously this was a fix for players, not for the server like Jaycat suggested).
Mawped Wrote:Last time this happened, I'm pretty sure players could get into the server by connecting by the IP in console. (Obviously this was a fix for players, not for the server like Jaycat suggested).

Well I haven't heard of that work around for this issue before. I will try it next time that I see one of the servers full. But if others don't know about that then they will see that the server is full and maybe just move on to another communities server.
JayCat Wrote:sv_master_legacy_mode 1
setmaster remove hl2master.steampowered.com:27011
setmaster remove hl2master.steampowered.com:27015
setmaster add hl2master.steampowered.com:27011
setmaster add hl2master.steampowered.com:27015
Those commands were all removed in the latest update. There is no solution to this problem until they patch it.
Well that just sucks ass. I wish that they would learn from their mistakes and not put us through the same things that we had to deal with before. I mean come on. This was a big deal the last time around, and here we are again.