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PaSS Wrote:cani your a genius when it comes to coding tho so course its easy for you :/ and you know im correct

OMG if he thinks C++ is Easy  :o , that means that the other languages are like chewing a gum to him.
ya preatty much
once you know 1 language it's not hard to pick up the rest, he's right, C++ isn't hard, it's just not really applicable to bnet
sure it is i know a few bots that are in c++
Dear Mr. Canister:
Can you please please pretty please post some advanced Windows-forms sample projects like For examble 'Peer to Peer' Chat and File transfer Program  in VC# or VC++, I would really appreciate it, because im learning C# now in College, and i want to be ahead of my self.
Thank you in Ahead! Smile
PaSS Wrote:sure it is i know a few bots that are in c++
I do too, and these bots were made before your battle.net time Smile.
y do you think they were before my battle net time you dont even know how long i was on battle net
you can make c++ applicable to anything. People don't do bots on c++ because there are more bnet resources available through vb6. Really c++ ain't hard, its pretty easy to learn. Yea a peer to peer and file transfer program is pretty easy to make. You can do that in a day with little experience.
Canister Wrote:you can make c++ applicable to anything. People don't do bots on c++ because there are more bnet resources available through vb6. Really c++ ain't hard, its pretty easy to learn. Yea a peer to peer and file transfer program is pretty easy to make. You can do that in a day with little experience.
OK, can you please support me with a Sample Project or a source code in C# maybe, if you got the time, its because i don't have that much of experience yet, I'm still learning, I would really appreciate it Smile
Google it dude.
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