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KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® Wrote:Google it dude.
Already tried that  :-\ , the problem is the code is either missing parts or has extra ones, and my VS2010 goes crazy when i Run the Code.
Rofl C# and C++ are the best ones to learn i just starting Java..
PaSS Wrote:y do you think they were before my battle net time you dont even know how long i was on battle net
The only bot not before your time in C++ is Asgard4, which isn't very widely known, like most of the other ones.
VB6 can add a variable to itself 5 million times in about 425ms.

Now that may not be so fast compared to other languages, but it's still pretty fast.

Pointless fact is pointless, but still, it can do a simple job you want done.
Dre@m$ Wrote:Rofl C# and C++ are the best ones to learn i just starting Java..

lol, you know Java is pretty much similar to C#, so maybe in the future you can switch to c#.
Canister Wrote:you can make c++ applicable to anything. People don't do bots on c++ because there are more bnet resources available through vb6. Really c++ ain't hard, its pretty easy to learn. Yea a peer to peer and file transfer program is pretty easy to make. You can do that in a day with little experience.

I'd be interested in hearing what 'resources' are available to better one to make a bnet via VB6. I'd also like to know if VB6 could achieve the likes of memory re-allocation and injection. A simple example of how VB fails to deliver on lower level situations (if you want to call that lower level)..

My personal experience says there is none...
My personal experience also says there is much more available to a C++ coder than there is a VB coder. This is just known, period.

There are some significant limitations on VB6 (kindof old yeah? - Microsoft doesn't even support this anymore)...
"VB6 has entered Microsoft's "non-supported phase" as of March 2008.", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_Basic

Not sure if it would apply, as I'd never use VB6 as a basis to write a modern program, but if I wanted to run a serious attack with 100,000 bots, I'm not sure VB6 would succeed due to multi-threading limitations  - though I've never used VB personally so I wouldn't know the specifics.

In any event, if this program was written in C, it could be made cross-platform and GUI-less (front-end for skript kiddies). Let alone have a lot more control in terms of multi-threaded pinging. And to me would seem like a more logical approach to creating a tool. One that is multi-platform, efficient, and has less limitations.

In any event, I'm interested in seeing how this plays out.

PS: What is the difference between a 'load spam' and a 'flood spam'? I would assume both involve pinging the shit out of your target, but is there a difference between the two?
Sorry dude no a load is where you load something full of bots that Request a thing like for ex: HTTP DDoS attack requests HTTPs to slow the server down. a flood spam is when you sent shit loads of one thing. Like a TCP/DCP flood you sent SHIT LOADS of Packets to the server.

But for like Bnet it follows the same thing for the most part.. like load is when you load a Ch/clan full of bots and spam.but a flood spam is when you enter a ch so fast thart you can see the Name and say something like: YOU SUCK! [/color]
this project has been canceled :\
Da fuck?
ya i know wat a sad day
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