I don't know if this is all that important but it would be seriously helpful ( to me ) if there was a clock in the website so that I can know when people spoke in the chat without me typing anything in it.

Can you tell us how this is helpful to you and how others could find this helpful?
rAnSaCk Wrote:I don't know if this is all that important but it would be seriously helpful ( to me ) if there was a clock in the website so that I can know when people spoke in the chat without me typing anything in it. 
Anyways a clock is always useful. And I dunno how others would find it helpful I'm sorry
Yes. I read your original post the first time too. :

Thanks for sharing it again.
So what do you use it for? Do you like to log your chats? For demos? Tell us.
Or is it top secret? :o
Top Secret. It's a top American Military project. Now that you know a little about it. You are being watched. BEWARE
rAnSaCk Wrote:Top Secret. It's a top American Military project. Now that you know a little about it. You are being watched. BEWARE
exactly why do you need a clock? if you're playing within steam or using the steam overlay then the time is already present in the overlay. if you're tabbing out to the website then your system has a clock (typically on the bottom right or top left).
Leaky Wrote:exactly why do you need a clock? if you're playing within steam or using the steam overlay then the time is already present in the overlay. if you're tabbing out to the website then your system has a clock (typically on the bottom right or top left).
Quote:if you're playing within steam or using the steam overlay then the time is already present in the overlay.
Sadly, I don't use Steam
Quote:if you're tabbing out to the website then your system has a clock (typically on the bottom right or top left
lol I do know that my system has a clock. But the problem is, my system's clock is set to IST ( Indian Standard Time ) where as the website's clock is set to PST ( I believe ).
If it is such a bother, then I have already created the code:
<iframe src="http://free.timeanddate.com/clock/i2tkud8w/n137/fn6/fs16/fc9ff/tc000/ftb/bas2/bat1/bacfff/pa8/tt0/tw1/th1/ta1/tb4" frameborder="0" width="214" height="58"></iframe>
If this isn't good, then you make your own in:
And if this idea is completely idiotic, then leave it ;D ( I don't actually care. Just thought it would be cool to have a clock and all. )
Hmm.. i think its nice too. For avoid shouting in chatbox only with my self in a middle of your countries night..
Modify it in your profile! Just add or deduct the numbers of hours between wherever you live and the forum time !
Thanks a lot Bananaman ;D That solves the problem.