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Full Version: How to use the SourceTV demo as evidence
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No longer relevant. SourceTV was disabled due to causing server lag.
We're currently running SourceTV on all of the servers minus a select few. This means that if anything is ever done on our servers, whether it be griefing (harassment), hacking, exploiting, or whatever else, then we'll be able to go back and review it; however, we'll need some basic information from you to allow us to find that particular point in time.

All SourceTV Demos are uploaded at the end of the day here: http://fastdl.mattkv.net/server_demos/

Here's what information we need:

1). Tell us the problem (hacking, griefing, etc) and any individuals which are involved.
2). Provide us with what server the problem took place on.
3). Provide us with the server time and timeleft.

The easiest way to get all the information we need is by typing the commands status, timeleft and say thetime into console while in the server.

For example, here's an example of what the commands may output:

] status
hostname: (wL) Popular Maps :: WAR-LORDS.NET
] timeleft
[SM] Time remaining for map:  13:16
] say thetime
[SM] The current server time is 10/27/2011 - 16:48:00

The hostname and thetime will allow us to find the demo which needs to be reviewed. The timeleft will allow
us to deduce the tick which needs to be reviewed from inside the demo.