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Full Version: JayCat's admin application
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not that my opinion will matter but he has to be an admin, and they should accept you right away you will make an excellent admin dude, so good luck  Big Grin
Admin Application: ON-HOLD

You do not meet the playing time requirement. Current playing time: 4 days 13 hours

you need more 11 hours play time.
48 years old virgin Big Grin jk... Good Luck! Smile
good Luck JAYCAT..  Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
lol this is so weird, you are much active on the forums, but u don't meat the requirement play time, anyway Good luck!  Wink
Really!!!! 48 !!!! TOO YOUNG  :o !!!
I guess that I need to quit lurking on the forums and get in the game.  ;D
JayCat Wrote:I guess that I need to quit lurking on the forums and get in the game.  ;D
yeah, you are lurking at the wrong place lol
nice you're twice my age. 10 years younger than my dad at least.
JayCat Wrote:I guess that I need to quit lurking on the forums and get in the game.  ;D

Looks like were gonna be up all night! YEA BUDDDDDDY
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