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Why dont we have a cs hacks section?
pTK Wrote:Why dont we have a cs hacks section?
we already have one
Yea but ppl should post hacks here, then be redirected to the ban appeal section lol
lol i think you enjoy banning ppl thats why you what a hack section
no its because he want to have better awp hacks.
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:no its because he want to have better awp hacks.
silly doesnt play anymore, and the guy behind silly isnt active in a long time so its already decided that hes the first there. btw i played with silly on TF2 and i owned him in snipers and with a baseball bat lol, yeah i got you silly hahahahah
Assassin Wrote:silly doesnt play anymore, and the guy behind silly isnt active in a long time so its already decided that hes the first there. btw i played with silly on TF2 and i owned him in snipers and with a baseball bat lol, yeah i got you silly hahahahah

and that is why we should reset the ranks...lol...but yeah hacks or something. lol jk
I wouldn't mind if they reset the ranks tbh. Just not every month.
I was just thinking one time. or even once a year
WHAT THE HACK !?!?!?  ???
lol ignore that
just asking, what did you mean?
forum for hack posting? lol. No one seems to be stupid enough to post hacks here, at war lords.
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