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Full Version: Why i've been banned?
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well if it is still around im sure a root admin will post it or will tell you the answer that you want. just be patient and they will get to your request.
Ok Spartan.
Thanks for the attention Smile
I'm not going to lie.  I don't like you. You come off as sneaky and you are clinging to the "show me a demo" knowing it will be hard to provide months later. Aimbotting is clear and blatant. It's the least likely hack to be mistaken for. Personally I think if you were banned for aimbot, then you should stay banned. If you really lOve our servers that much,  spend 20$ on a new CSS account. Don't hack again and don't let us know it's you, because if we catch you, you might get banned again.  My honest opinion.

You are banned for using aimbot, and you are trying to evade the ban 5 times, youll never get unbanned.
http://sourcebans.war-lords.net/index.p ... 33&Submit=

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