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He was asking admin about any possible ways he can use N words in game.
he refereed to spanish too lol
Looking at his chat records he did use the N word. Also, looking at his chat he doesn't think too highly of the wL admins either.
....fail but enjoy your stay...however short or long it might be.
LMFAO. This is all too funny.

I'm a troll, okay?
I like trolling.
I'm sorry that when I play videogames, my N word vulgarity comes out like no other.
It is a very bad habit.

I do not disrespect admins. I myself, use to Global admin for a server group.
I understand all rules and regulations and mean no disrespect, I just let it slip sometimes.
It doesn't help being high all the time when i play either, but thats just how i do it :p
I don't know, he seems fine to me.


Miffy Wrote:LMFAO. This is all too funny.

I'm a troll, okay?
I like trolling.
I'm sorry that when I play videogames, my N word vulgarity comes out like no other.
It is a very bad habit.

I do not disrespect admins. I myself, use to Global admin for a server group.
I understand all rules and regulations and mean no disrespect, I just let it slip sometimes.
It doesn't help being high all the time when i play either, but thats just how i do it :p

I do not disrespect your views, we have rules on our servers, if you follow them high, drunk or sober - you're good. Enjoy your stay.
Lol @ kids using "being high" as an excuse to be a douchebag racist.

Welcome to War Lords.
I have no excuse, "being high" isn't an excuse.
Ive been using the N word since i was like 9 on online videogames. Im 20 now:3 so i'm not a kid.
You're still a kid if you act like a 9 year old.
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