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Hey guys, its been ages since i waited for great movies to be released this month and last, any suggestions of any? I know a few such a Twilight breaking dawn and immortals which i already saw the trailer. On the other hand, don't bother telling me the ones that isn't half as good. What other various movies which I don't know that YOU can recommend me with? My genre preferences are actions, thriller, horror and comedy. Haven't been to the cinema for awhile too so maybe its a good opportunity to experience great movies once again....dun...dun....dun...LOL  ;
Snatch, Fight Club, Requeim for a Dream, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs.

an old movie one Oo


If you like Twilight you might gonna like Walker, Texas Ranger. It has actions, thriller, horror and comedy all together.

Twilight is a great movie.
thor (action) , green lantern (action) , conan the barbarian (too barbaric, action, maybe thriller too), pirates of the Caribbean on strangers tide (action, comedy), tower heist (comedy, and a bit action), im waiting to finish my exams so i can go and watch a nice movie Big Grin 
Serenity (2005), but it's better that you watch the short-lived TV series Firefly (2002) first (make sure to watch the episodes in the correct order, i.e. *not* the order in which they aired).
300, Remember the Titans, Fight Club, Boondock Saints, and etc.
You should totally watch The Truman Show. Amazing movie, classic.
If you re-watch The Matrix and its series again it is actually amazing movie, you can finally understand it.
guys i think he wants new movies not old ones or im i wrong :o
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