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http://www.mediafire.com/?d17hvfz6hs6ldrl ( he left the game in this demo, and i took to long to stop it lol..)
well... demos are inconclusive, i really dont see much from the 2 b/c they are very short. the 3rd one he leaves wiht 10 secs of the demo. Im not going to say that he wasnt but i dont see much from them. I will look again though...

In the 1st one he could be using an aimbot at ~4000 but that being the only thing i really see.
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:well... demos are inconclusive, i really dont see much from the 2 b/c they are very short. the 3rd one he leaves wiht 10 secs of the demo. Im not going to say that he wasnt but i dont see much from them. I will look again though...
if u check on sec46 u will see that he's aimbotting aswell lol
You guys really need to make the demos longer. I know that you would rather play than spec someone, but we do need them to be longer. I like to have at least 5 minutes.
RED7EAGLE Wrote:http://www.mediafire.com/?v5geajg84staxd2
if u check on sec46 u will see that he's aimbotting aswell lol

yeah that is waht i said,

SpartanOnLSD Wrote:In the 1st one he could be using an aimbot at ~4000 but that being the only thing i really see.
JayCat Wrote:You guys really need to make the demos longer. I know that you would rather play than spec someone, but we do need them to be longer. I like to have at least 5 minutes.
but what can i do if the hacker left the game?
yeah there isnt much you can do but what you have done, but just b/c he dies doesnt mean you need to stpo recording. just let it keep recording we can fast forward the demo past the part when he is dead.

I used to do that too...stop the demo when they die...just let it go if they leave then no biggy just post and then we can keep an eye on him and other will too!!
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:yeah there isnt much you can do but what you have done, but just b/c he dies doesnt mean you need to stpo recording. just let it keep recording we can fast forward the demo past the part when he is dead.
ok.. so no ban?
I won't ban from what I saw. If you want to provide us with good evidence, then I would suggest to do the following if you suspect someone is cheating.

Go to spec. This is when the HUD will show up. Select the suspected cheater to spectate them. Stay in spectate mode even if he dies and when the round ends. Give us at least five minutes of a single demo.

And please don't close the HUD.
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