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I think this is a good idea. I also have plenty of league xp and offered to help out helmut with this. He and I will be glad to train anyone who is willing to take the time to learn. Given this, and it being TWL, we should do just fine. So message either of us for more info on how to do this. Again this is AngeryAnimals choice to do this or not, but we are here to make sure, if they do do it, that we can go far.
I do have very high ping (am an Aussie), but I'd be willing to do this.
Dunno if you noticed, but no one in AA cares enough about playing CS:S to want to be in a league. The main point of the clan now is just to keep it going really. Loads of people in it haven't logged in for ages, loads of them just don't really play CS:S anymore, and loads of them don't have the time to dedicate to playing a league/practising for a league.

Thanks for the offer but yeah. Dunno if you'll find 5.
Sounds interesting. What's the estimated time would this take per week?(training, matches etc)

Just realised my performances on pubs got better after just a week of scrims in wL. different gameplay but it helps.
if 5 members wanted to do this im ok with it! and ty for the offer! Big Grin
I, The Rival Wrote:Dunno if you noticed, but no one in AA cares enough about playing CS:S to want to be in a league. The main point of the clan now is just to keep it going really. Loads of people in it haven't logged in for ages, loads of them just don't really play CS:S anymore, and loads of them don't have the time to dedicate to playing a league/practising for a league.

Thanks for the offer but yeah. Dunno if you'll find 5.

Dunno if you noticed, but lots of AA members like to scrim.  Speak for yourself.  Doesn't even have to be limited to AA, could be a Warlords team.

>> The main point of the clan now is just to keep it going.

Thank you for that insightful bit of genius.
ooo helmut teach me ur ways!
I would be down for this, I just don't know how much time I could but forth.
i want to learn, but i dont think i have that much time
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