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Full Version: More servers for more games DoD, HL2dm, ALTERmw2, BO
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Perhaps wL should consider having servers for other games, expand their range of games, like right now, its great that there's a bf3 and MC server, maybe even AlterIWnet? cod4, black ops etc.... games like these?
Doesn't AlterIWnet uses matchmaking system?
For the others idk.
I think making the server we have now better should be a 1st priority...if that is possible. If they are as good as they can get. Then expand.
Not dead or dying games.  We should probably focus on our CS:GO servers that I assume we will be getting. Let's make our CS:GO server top notch and one of the best and most renowned servers out there. We have the player capacity to have it popular right of the bat so why not take advantage of it?
well i dont know how many people are going to buy the game from here....it depends on how much it is going to be on steam for me to decided if im going to buy it.
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:well i dont know how many people are going to buy the game from here....it depends on how much it is going to be on steam for me to decided if im going to buy it.

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