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Full Version: ' Adept# Testy Admin App
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Name: ' Adept# Testy

Steam ID : Steam_0:1:44236437

Age: 15.

Timezone: Central, TX

Availability: Every day, many hours.

Tell us something about yourself: I listen to music all day everyday and play CSS, Crysis, Crysis 2, MW3, Dirt, Dirt 2, Fuel, Grid, if you ask me for help I wont turn you down. depends on what you are asking lol. I am pretty chill (except when we scrim xD) but besides that I would never abuse admin powers due to anger or something else.

Reason For Admin Application: Honestly I really want to be an Admin because lately allot of people have asked me hey testy mute this guy he mic spamming hey testy this guy is hacking hey testy this but my last app got denied. And it really bugs me that I cant make the game more easy and enjoyable for people, because there's allot of jackasses that find hacking/mic spamming etc fun, but just makes other people mad/annoyed. and I know I am not active on the forums as much as I should be but since I am not an admin I don't really have any interested in reading most of them but if there is something funny or a video or that sort of thing I would def check it out. but if I do get admin I will spend my time looking over if there is any reports of hackers and etc or any issues that should be taken care off. And the reason that I don't usually report people is because I have atleast a couple of admins in my friends list and if there's something going on I would usually just message them if they are not busy.

' Adept# Testy =]
Good luck man!
A really friendly and funny guy Smile Goes out of his way to do things for people too.
remind me to ask you about your female friends in 3 years time.
Spartacus Wrote:remind me to ask you about your female friends in 3 years time.

just cause I am 15 doesn't mean I haven't had any female's, lmao... xD
Good luck.
BaNaNaMaN Wrote:Good luck.

Thx to all the "good luck's" =]
good luck dude, i love the videos u edit, THEY ROCK homie..lol GL
Thanks Drunk, if you want one I can make you one and I just got another program which will make my color corrections and etc way more sicker
Ansthetic312 Wrote:Thanks Drunk, if you want one I can make you one and I just got another program which will make my color corrections and etc way more sicker
alright, ill get a good demo then, thenks =D
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