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Full Version: Banned for bhopping
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I just got a logitech g9x mouse and I was scrolling my mouse wheel down so much then all of a sudden I got banned for

" [SM] ADMIN: Permanently banned player "goreee" (reason: SMAC: AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop).
Disconnect: You have been banned by this server, check http://war-lords.net for more info.
Disconnect: You have been banned by this server, check http://war-lords.net for more info.

Browser Message: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://wls.gameme.com/ingame/motd/css3?player_count=30 from frame with URL ... count%3D30. Domains, protocols and ports must match.
- :1"
Can't proceed with ban protest until proper information is posted:


Edit: User didn't reply in a timely manner. I was unable to locate the ban in question.