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Pages: 1 2
ruplayer Wrote:I don't like this idea, we will lose even more members with this section. Hard to explain, but this is how it psychologically works.

Yeah your right RU, your so smart.
Nah, I don't think we will lose more members, it will just point out who we are losing instead. It may seem like we lose a lot more, only because they are informing us they are leaving now instead.
Negative, this will make them put a clear period(.) on our forum, and less chances to come back. If you really know regular forum users you will notice if they disappear. You better start thinking on how to make people sign up with us and stay active instead of how can they say BYE.
Well, I noticed that most of the people who sign up, only signup for applications or ban appeals.. Haha.
The community is still thriving, but education comes before games.
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