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George, Of The Jungle Wrote:First two months I played on War-lords I played nonsteam because I couldn't find my Css key. When I found it, I was around place 20 in the Sniper-server. I just started over, rank doesn't mean shit anyway, there are players ranked below me that are better.
for some guyz it doesnt mean anything,
rank 20 in one server no prob
but i have many ranks , like dust2 dust2 dm , snipers etc... u just cant go them to waste
Its just a game you know...)
KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® Wrote:Nice way to put this topic on the wrong section loser.
HbK|DeNVeR Wrote:  i bought the game  8),
now i need my  points back

old steam id:STEAM_0:0:342898445

new steam id:STEAM_0:1:48224495
Your stats were successfully transferred.

Victor Wrote:hey guys im like denver...
i just bought css and i need my stats
if someone can help me

old account: STEAM_0:0:614851890
new account: STEAM_0:0:48108711
Didn't appear that you had logged any time in certain servers on your new steam_id. I could only transfer points to 24/7 Dust2 & Minigames.

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