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Full Version: 11 Year old girl will be britains youngest mother.
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I just had to share this, because its well.. pretty messed up..

She smokes 20 cigarettes a day, and got pregnant while she was drunk, and she is ONLY 11 years old !
Tee hee this is a story about Leo!!!  Now we know him on a deeper level :p
pTK Wrote:Tee hee this is a story about Leo!!!  Now we know him on a deeper level :p
what does leo have to do with this?
Read the article :p    the mother plans to name her child Leo.      which means Leo is a time traveler
pTK Wrote:Tee hee this is a story about Leo!!!  Now we know him on a deeper level :p
Quote:ONLY 11

A child of 11 can barely look after themselves let alone a baby. Really the parents can only be blamed for this.
I heard about this many years ago.
Also, this is normal in USA now, since this world is terrible and everyone needs to die.
There are a large number of girls that have their period at eight years old within the past two-three years.
pTK Wrote:Tee hee this is a story about Leo!!!  Now we know him on a deeper level :p

*lurks in the shadows*

pTK Wrote:Read the article :p    the mother plans to name her child Leo.      which means Leo is a time traveler

Ah fuck! They're on to me! Mr. Wizard, get me the hell out of here! *runs into some phone booth which promptly disappears*
Sigh.. ruplayer's girlfriend in the news *again*?!
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