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My ping is now constantly over 200...
Matt Wrote:Google how to tracert and do it to one of the servers and paste the results here.
I now know how to tracert to a website (eg war-lords.net) which gives me results that look right, but is there a way to tracert to one of the servers? I can't find anything for CSS servers.
its the same procedure , tracert server ip without the ones after the : .
Raptor@ Wrote:My ping is around 400-500 on popular maps
also when there are so many people in office or awp
server lags
only on popular maps that i get this ping
others i get 300-350
i use an adsl 1MB connection..
hope its enough :v
yeah,i use 1 MB too
but sometimes it going higher than 500
in deathmatch
Where are you guys and where are our servers located? I mean I'm on the east coast in Ontario about an hour from NY state and I get 120 ping and lower. Usually I get 90-100 but there was a bit of a increase in ping but nothing to go crazy about. I'm on a 1mb line also. Maybe it's your guys routers that need a firmware upgrade?
The servers are located in Los Angeles, California, United States of America.
I did the tracerout to Pop Maps 1 and the final numbers were around 208, not really into the 210s where my ping is.
TheDude Wrote:Where are you guys and where are our servers located? I mean I'm on the east coast in Ontario about an hour from NY state and I get 120 ping and lower. Usually I get 90-100 but there was a bit of a increase in ping but nothing to go crazy about. I'm on a 1mb line also. Maybe it's your guys routers that need a firmware upgrade?
Yeah I live in Sydney so I will generally have a high, I just found it weird it rose by about 20-30 in the past month.
Moose what ISP are you with?
Matt Wrote:Moose what ISP are you with?
Bigpond (telstra)
I get different pings on different servers o.o

Especially between 24/7 office and pop maps.
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