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Full Version: I was banned from a server . why?
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[center]I was banned from a mini game server and all (WL) serversĀ  :'(

but why?

If due to speak Arabic through the microphone

I'm sorry and will not repeat them

plz admin i love

I love these servers

And sorry if there is an error in writing.^^

But I do not know much speak in English

Wait for your response


I know you, I banned you. I told you to stop speaking Arabic because many players were uncomfortable with it, and to be honest i think you were ghosting to Icebird and Undertaker in another language because everytime you used your mic.. they were going right thru the person, Also in TV_TOWER I said many times to stop killing the hostages and you didn't, you were doing bad things on the server and LOL'ing of it, which is not fun at all. You received 1 day ban, which I'm not decreasing it due your behavior in all the servers because i know from snipers, which you do the same thing as well.


Wait till the ban expires and DO NOT do it again. Have fun!