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Full Version: Popular server admin abuse!
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According to your gameme status, you've been playing for about 16 days on pop maps and you still don't know the rules? #come on now..
Also when you type MOTD" in the chat box; it shows you the rules.
pTK Wrote:We are sorry for this misunderstanding.

We will re-asign Mr.Tea to a new position.

Tea , your new job, Should you choose to accept it, is a warning informer. What you will be doing is when an admin warns a player and they do not see the warning, we will fly you first class to their house so you can knock on their door and give them a formal warning just to make sure they never miss a warning and rage like a little girl on the forums after. The job comes with many perks. Dental, health care, retirement plan, and tuition payed for your children. You should really think this over tea. Its a great jobĀ  and we could really use someone in this position because we keep having players miss warnings then claim they never happened. Quite unfortunate.

oh! quite the promotion. i hope one day ill be so lucky
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