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Terrorists in cs_office are allowed to camp spawn when hostages aren't making a break for it. Counter-Terrorists on the other hand who camp the gay spot in garage are usually the problem. According to my tests, it'll take about 50-55 seconds to successfully rescue all the hostages when starting at gay spot and making a run for it with a knife. I'm thinking of making a plugin that will slay any camping players who camp until there is inadequate time to rescue hostages. Since my tests were conducted while running with a knife the whole time with no breaks, realistically it'll typically take longer to successfully rescue the hostages due to combat and walking, etc. I'm thinking of giving them a warning at 1:30 before round end, then slaying them at 1:10. This will allow them 20 seconds to get out of there with the addition of a buffer zone of 15 seconds to account for combat and a little bit of walking. If they re-enter the area after they've been warned, then they'll have 5 seconds to flee or risk being slayed.

Do you think this will be an adequate solution?
What if the T's are there, and you are still defending against a rush or something?
Next time don't camp long snipe and long snipe boxes for over a minute. The terrorists shouldn't be the ones needing to push on a cs_ map.
Oh, so it only gets triggered if you camped there for that long, not just if you go there after a certain period of time then? 

Edit: I see from your post that is the case now, I like it.
It will only trigger when they've been there for over a minute (maybe 45 seconds instead?) prior to 1:10. I could probably have it check whether Terrorists are nearby, and if not, escalate the speed at which it will trigger.
office needs an activate nuke button. then all the ts and cts have to get to it before it explodes.

I miss half-life
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