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Full Version: I got disconnected from office 24/7
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I got disconnected from office server 4 times in 15 minutes. I tried to restart steam, but it didn't work at all.

my steam id is STEAM_0:1:44312894. I hope someone can help me. 
What error message were you getting?
something like connection problem, but I was connected to the internet. So I was wondering why this warning appeared.
maybe someone got a copy of your ID #.
if someone used you steam ID to play first, you will not be able to connect.
BRABUS Wrote:maybe someone got a copy of your ID #.
if someone used you steam ID to play first, you will not be able to connect.

nobody knows my password though...
sexuawka Wrote:
BRABUS Wrote:maybe someone got a copy of your ID #.
if someone used you steam ID to play first, you will not be able to connect.

nobody knows my password though...
No-one knew NaNa's password, and he got hacked..
I hacked bananaman =3, please don't tell him :-X
Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep Wrote:I hacked bananaman =3, please don't tell him :-X

Anyways, don't get off topic
not sure but did you get that red message on the top right of the screen saying lost connection to server retrying in 24 seconds?
because i get that alot too.
Assassin Wrote:not sure but did you get that red message on the top right of the screen saying lost connection to server retrying in 24 seconds?
because i get that alot too.

exactly this warning I got, but at that time I was connected to the internet. So I don't know why this happens.
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