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Full Version: Ban appeal
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#1 :'( i was ban for using aimbot and i got ban from war-lords and im sory i used it i really am and i got rid of it so i hope i can get unban. War-lords
is my favorite server.
#2 STEAM_0:0:45169613
#3 I got the hacks because everyone would say im terrible and make fun of me and call me names because i wasn't better than them so i downloaded them but now i deleted them.
MOTD clearly states that we have zero tolerance for hackers. You should have known the consequences and seen the ban coming. Cheating because people call you a noob is not an excuse.

You've been hacking all over the css community. I don't think you'd stop even if we unban you. Besides, you're probably going to get VAC'd anyways.