Haxii Wrote:I never said you couldn't have fun.
But it would be nice if you or someone else was accessible to get help from if shit started to happen in the server.
You admins are the only ones who can truly help in the end.
With power comes responsibility no? :/
I think due to the amount of active admins that just gave you their steam account info, you have no right to talk down to anyone on the staff. Posting on the forums was a great thing to do to get our attention but please don't leave snide remarks like that. Its quite mean.
Add me or any admin on steam and we would help you in a flash. :-*
Mind Games (DRUNK's app) Wrote:I'll 100% vouch for Drunk, he is a great admin and handles situations greatly, even in the face of great trollism in MG.
He has helped me numerous times, even when he is in the middle of something.
I think that he deserves ALL the postitions he has applied for, and will perform in an outstanding matter.
That's what I do to him and many others.. Now feel free to contact me.
_RemiX Wrote:Haxii Wrote:I never said you couldn't have fun.
But it would be nice if you or someone else was accessible to get help from if shit started to happen in the server.
You admins are the only ones who can truly help in the end.
With power comes responsibility no? :/
I think due to the amount of active admins that just gave you their steam account info, you have no right to talk down to anyone on the staff. Posting on the forums was a great thing to do to get our attention but please don't leave snide remarks like that. Its quite mean.
Add me or any admin on steam and we would help you in a flash. :-*
Hmm, I'm sorry if that came out as mean. I was talking about power in general.
I know the admins do a good job, but to me it simply gets frustrating when things happen in the server and there is no one to contact. Hopefully now that I have some admins to talk to, it won't happen as much.

"When seconds matter, the admins are only minutes away..."
Obviously we try our best not to make that the case, so feel free to add us on Steam if you have any problems.
You can add me under ChibixDawn
I'd say you can't add me, but whenever it happens you can find me in the list of admins and message me on steam, I'm getting admin "powerz" back soon.