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Full Version: Train admins to be better?
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So, i was in a server(MG) where i got muted when i was not even talking....
he muted me, then he respawned himself, he was admin abusing.

i am saying, head admins have a talk with your little people, because this is not the first time.
there been a lot of admin abuse lately,
so i think if that gets solved more people will enjoy playing.
who me? hmm, I'm AFK in pop maps, I was there but things were calm and you were talking on mic. Anubis is there, maybe he muted you.
I muted you because you constantly held down your mic button key and talked nonstop for 30+ seconds. Your mic quality is also bad, so I muted you and told you to not hold your key down forever when you talk.

I respawned myself after a failed jump on deathrun_rat_race. That didn't give me any advantage - I just wanted to see if I could do the jump again.
well thank you for telling me/