I was just banned for "bhoping" on the server. It wasn't an admin, it's said it was an auto detection. I'm not sure how I'd get banned for a "script" when I have jump bound to mouse wheel down. Can someone explain how this could have happened? I was playing nuke, a jumped from heaven onto the roof and from there jumped on the the ground. I then got two hops in and was auto banned.
SID: STEAM_0:0:18743701
I find this to be extremely unlikely. The module doesn't ban people for spamming +jump commands. In fact, it was coded to intentionally avoid banning this sort of behavior. The module only bans players who manage to consistently jump on the exact frame which allows it. This would be extremely difficult and nearly impossible to do without hacks or some kind of script. That is unless you've got the timing of a computer or something. :o
Yea I have no idea, I was jumping a lot like that today. I've spammed jump a lot in that server and in the scrim server and this hasn't happened to me. I also play on an SM server which has the same anticheat as you guys have with sv_pure 2, etc and have had no problem. Again, I only jumped about 5 times before it ban me and I was jumping from heaven - roof - ground so I have no idea how it would calculate me jumping on the very exact frame. I find it funny, if anything.
Do you know if there's a support forum for that violation plugin you have on the server? If so, I'd like to see if this has happened before.
keek Wrote:I also play on an SM server which has the same anticheat as you guys have
The anti-cheat plugin is highly customizable. They may have this particular detection module disabled or they may have it configured for admin warn-only.
keek Wrote:Do you know if there's a support forum for that violation plugin you have on the server?
There is, but you're not going to figure out, or have anyone tell you anymore than I am. I've helped develop some of the anti-cheat modules of this plugin, so I'm pretty familiar with all of them.
keek Wrote:If so, I'd like to see if this has happened before.
The module isn't particularly known for false positives. However, in the past, it did have an issue with spamming +jump in tight spaces. That was patched a long time ago, though. The server does log a bit of verbose information. I'll try to investigate your positioning and whether anything in the map could've affected the results.
Edit: There's a discrepancy in your claims and the server logs. The server logs put you in the position shown in the screenshot and not in heaven or anywhere near bombsite A. Do you mind explaining yourself? Let me guess, you couldn't remember your position minutes after the ban?
![[Image: fe2vzl.png]](http://i48.tinypic.com/fe2vzl.png)
I was disconnected between red box and A entrance, not there. I didn't have bomb either when I got disconnected. It just doesn't make sense I'd get disconnected when I was playing for an hour + earlier today and had no problems bhopping.
keek Wrote:It just doesn't make sense I'd get disconnected when I was playing for an hour + earlier today and had no problems bhopping.
Was that an admission to bhopping earlier? or are you just bad at english?
Quote:Was that an admission to bhopping earlier? or are you just bad at english?
Yeh, I'm the one bad "at" English. And no, it wasn't. When I say "bhopping", I mean spamming jump with MWD. I am unable to bhop, as I don't gain speed. However, I'm able to jump at a constant speed when I try.
keek Wrote:Quote:Was that an admission to bhopping earlier? or are you just bad at english?
Yeh, I'm the one bad "at" English. And no, it wasn't. When I say "bhopping", I mean spamming jump with MWD. I am unable to bhop, as I don't gain speed. However, I'm able to jump at a constant speed when I try.
As a large portion of our community does not speak English as their primary language, that was meant to be a serious question for clarification not an insult as you seem to have taken it. Your original statement was not clear when you said you were bhopping earlier that day.
Taking defensive jabs and looking for attacks where there are none does not make you look any less suspicious.
I was in a rush earlier, that's probably why. And I said heaven, I meant Twinky. Twinky - roof - ground. The one and only way I go whenever I play nuke. Three hops on ground was disconnected. I am not using a bhop script as I was in the server spamming jump for an hour plus yesterday and many days before that. Also, there's no use for a bhop script unless you're in a bhop server. I'm not sure how accurate that auto snap shot of when disconnecting is either, because that was definitely 15-20 seconds off from the actual disconnection.
That's a screenshot of me replicating your positioning. It isn't a screenshot of the server state. :o