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Full Version: Some problems..
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In MG:

Guns and tables are floating.

In Snipers:

Lag and please reset the server so we can get more players on it!

Yep I hv also seen in mg tv tower heli n elevator isnt working  Sad in dogdeball ball isnt coming blah blah plz check...........
yes, please check that, in smee tower, the secret AK falls down at the beginning of the round everytime and when you press G, your gun just falls through the floor, I noticed that in all mg maps  :o
yeah, and i lost an awp after buying it. >Sad
yea the physics is fkd up there...
How did I get no reply in my thread?
http://war-lords.net/suggestions/some-m ... /#msg58559
Please fix the problem. Here a demo of what's going on:

Yeah, the MG server need to get fixed ASAP, physics are totally bugged, Objects are flying everywhere, you can't drop or pick up a gun, some maps are even unplayable.
Population is decreasing because of this..
It's probably some broken map causing this. I think Anubis was going to look through the maps. I'll take a look myself in a couple of hours.
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