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Full Version: BAN APPEAL
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HI GUYS banned for having a hot ass naked girl as porn spray. 
A little excessive isn't it? 
A warning / temp voteban would've been fine.
Unban Pretty Please  Wink
The warning is the MOTD(type /motd to see). Your ban is expired, it was for an hour. Please change it to avoid getting banned again.
I permanently banned this user for having underage/child pornography spray. Some other users complained earlier, but I was unable to find the spray at that time. Now, I would like to see admin, who changed ban length to 1 hour to a person committing crime according to a penal code 311. Up to one year in jail.
I commented there, but did not change anything.
Actually it was some girl that posted alot of her nudes on twitter to get a free tshirt from isanyoneup.  She kept it up for the longest time to get followers.  Im pretty sure she said she was 18 or 19 its ashamed i unfollowed her though.  Hottest chick i've ever seen on twitter  Wink

Anyways im not gonna argue.  The Hardcore Porn rule.  Is that no naked girls at all? 
Users pointed out admins attention because the girl on the picture is not older than 15. It doesn't matter what you think you saw or what you think she claimed.
Typing this from my Phone. Softcore porn is allowed, hardcore isn't. Any illegal sprays aren't allowed. If She looks younger than 18 then just don't post it.
i changed the ban length early today, and can you send me the spray via pm.
-[ex]iSpy- Wrote:i changed the ban length early today, and can you send me the spray via pm.

No, did not take a picture of it. Didn't wanna store it on my computer. Ask user to link to her twitter account or to send you a picture.
Received Personal Warning for Porn sprays.