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This is russian's re-application. Seeing as to I have not seen any rules or statements about when or how long you must wait to re-apply so as urgent as this might seem, please give me another shot. Thanks in advance.

Name: russian (changed it back to russian to make it simpler)

Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:2066141735


Timezone: GMT Eastern Time (East Coast USA)

Availability: All the time. This community is my life.

Tell us something about yourself: Im a fair person so to speak. Most people call me devious or clever, i prefer laid back, something along the lines of relaxed or intelegent. I love gaming on PC especially CS:S on War-Lords. I speak multiple languages in my household so it gets confusing =S. I like to call it, Ruenglish.

Reason For Admin Application: I am applying only for the Minigames Server. I respect everyone's opinions and connect with the players (as in their thoughts on bugs, glitches, abusers), as i am ALWAYS on the Minigames server.Relating and contemplating a compromise for a !blocker on deathrun_iceworld or when the knife arena on mg_sg_xix_all_in_one is packed with T's and the last CT is scared. I myself find it dificult to enjoy the server when these glitches/bugs are abused, as for mic spamming, dont even get me started. In my past experiences, these situation occur when there are no admins present and it really bothers me when we are trying to have a nice match. I feel that if i received this position I would be theoretically speaking "filling the gap" for the lack of administrators. Thankyou for being so lenient and acceptant as for my Re-application. Thanks again for your time.
[Image: good-luck-purple-pink.gif]
Good luck man.

Btw, how do you pronounce your name?
Thanks guys. S p a c e see me in game for the pronunciation. Drunk... I'm speech less. Thanks so much.
russian Wrote:Age:14
!!!! :'(
jkdbl1 Wrote:
russian Wrote:Age:14
!!!! :'(
wow russian, you "stole" my sig pic lol jk

but, Good Luck! Big Grin
Good Luck
Pretty well spoken for a 14 year old.

Anyway, even if you don't get admin, you can still record and share those incidents  where such abuses had taken place. That shows sincerity and dedication to make the servers clean and fun.

I would record cheaters as well but they're always not using it when I'm on.  :o
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