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Full Version: Radio on all servers?
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I like playing and listening to music, is it possible to add  radio station to all servers or a playlist?
That is a good idea, but I remember while ago a friend suggested it and kind got ignored though.. Hopefully a root admin take a look at this.
hmmm, if it's for one team map in minigames, then I agree
this is something I would love to see and make me play more on the servers. I often play and enjoy the gameplay way better when I have some music to listen to either it be rock , rap , alternative , dubstep or almost anything just hearing music as i plays makes me a little better at the game Smile
Most of minigame maps have music their own music...
I vote no for minigame and yes for the others
I vote yes, including the minigames because most maps don't have music and when they do we can just mute our radios in the radio menu anyways.

Good free radio stations. I don't really see the need for the servers to have them?