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Full Version: silly's admin application
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Name: silly

Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:24133958

Age: 22

Timezone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

Availability: A couple of hours a day, most days of the week Smile

Tell us something about yourself: I'm studying Psychological Science at university and I plan on eventually becoming a Clinical Psychologist. I enjoy sports like soccer (a.k.a. football), rugby and billiards. I've also gone through a "philosophy phase" recently, and as many people can testify (e.g. Georgison), I enjoy discussion on a number of intellectual topics. I'm quite obsessed with the chillout genre and the rock genre of music, and am a fan of many movies and quite a few books. Oh, and I'm a people person too.

Reason For Admin Application: I know that I can make a beneficial contribution to the war-lords staff in a number of ways such as:

1. Removing cheaters from servers once enough evidence has been obtained.
2. Stopping abusive behaviour and map exploitation, and also by fairly and impartially resolving conflicts between players.
3. Being able to run scrims on the scrim server.
4. Adding an unbiased and reasonable opinion to staff discussions.

I've been playing the war-lords servers for about a year, have at least 20 days of play-time, and have also been responsible for submitting demos of hackers in the past. I have over 600 forum posts, and already know most of the people who play on the war-lords servers.

thanks Smile

Good luck Smile.
An admin from Melbourne... I guess stranger things have happened. Smile

Just make sure you abuse Assassin if you get it (and let me hack in snipers).
[Image: 9055.gif]
Trying to protect yourself from me? fool because nothing can protect you from me, i say good luck with getting it but
I'll Teach You The Meaning Of Fear!
I always forget you aren't already admin.
Good Luck hacker....jk Big Grin
Good luck man)
Good person
Great potential
Assassin is a bitch. nuff said
silly is mature and plays well. Definitely a good candidate for admin.
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