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Full Version: Friendly Fire on popular maps
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I mean that would be more entertaining popular map servers if friendly fire was enabled and there was a vote to see if people want to play with friendly fire enabled  grettings (:  sorry for my bad english :/
O! the pain!
O! the grief!
O! the pain of waiting!
O! how friendly fire will inspire the trolls!
O! how many bans will be hammered!
O! how i disagree with thee!
lol. how I agree with thee, Yuuki!
Being an international community and therefore attracting a lot of griefers, FF is the last thing we need.
FF = Fucked Forever, so we dont want to have unplayable servers/community.
DRUNK_KILLER Wrote:FF = Fucked Forever, so we dont want to have unplayable servers/community.
people who use FF in bad ways in FF servers are known as Fucking Faggots
lin3ar Wrote:Being an international community and therefore attracting a lot of griefers, FF is the last thing we need.

I agree completely.

Yuuki <3' Wrote:people who use FF in bad ways in FF servers are known as Fucking Faggots

I'm a fucking faggot, but I don't grief. >___>
FF = more bans for ruplayer to make= more abuse threads. FF - no good!
I remember someone turning on FF on D2. Not good times
FF means shooting your teammates, who wants this shit?
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