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Full Version: Was banned. :(
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Name: Wolfies (used to be FlyKoreanBoi)
Steam ID: i have standalone css

So when i was in Korea this summer i was really bored and i decided to search up some games to play. CSS was one of them and it was a cracked version at the time and my name was FlyKoreanBoi. But then now that i have come back, i downloaded CSS again to play. I saw your server and since I knew that server so i clicked to join. Now my name was Wolfies. It says im banned. I don't know why i was banned. It would be awesome if someone can tell me and unban me! Smile
So i read why i was banned. it was today. and i just installed it. How did i evade ban?

This ban appears to be a false positive. I've went ahead and removed it. You should be able to play now.