Name: Slowpoke
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35672538
Reason: Well, I hopped onto a War-Lords server to practice my awp skills, and It said I was banned.
I checked the War-Lords Server for the reason and it was ban envaiding. I don't recall Envaiding any ban,
so I would like to be unbanned

You seem like a malicious person. :o
That is one of the accounts that was given to me by Nighty at RGALeague
He uses that account to test hacks for
As soon as I got on, it was banned by all the servers in CSS so I just gave it back.
Slowpoke Wrote:That is one of the accounts that was given to me by Nighty at RGALeague
He uses that account to test hacks for
As soon as I got on, it was banned by all the servers in CSS so I just gave it back.
I heard i different story,. how bout telling us the truth?
Why do you have so many STEAM_IDs? Why did one of your accounts report your other account on another server for impersonating the account? See, these things confuse me. ???
I buy accounts for my personal affairs.
May I be unbanned
M. Bison Wrote:Why do you have so many STEAM_IDs? Why did one of your accounts report your other account on another server for impersonating the account? See, these things confuse me. ???
lolwut? Haha, this is a rich troll. Or, just a new way to get people banned and then apply for admin :