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Full Version: Freddy Krueger for Admin
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Name: Bryan
Gamer Tag: Freddy Krueger
Age: 25
Time: Central
Time On: About every night around 9. Get off between 1 and 4 A.M.

Reason to Apply: I will be fair. No childish bullshit. I think that the War-Lords servers are very cool to play on. I have played on them when some guys were admins and they were either unfair or just did stupid stuff to other players. (Like blind them randomly) I will not do that. I want War-Lords to be known, to be a fair, and a good gaming environment so it can get more players to the servers and group.,

About Me: I used to be in the Army. 2008 to 2010. I got injured and med. discharged. I am going to college for surgical tech. I love music and been play guitar and singing for about 12 years now. If you need to know anything else just ask.

Hope I am a good canidate for admin on your servers. Freedom....
Good luck mate.
Good Luck
Please provide your Steam ID so we can verify your playing time. Thanks.
There going to be to many admins. Big Grin I just looked at some other admin application, and the kid was just 13? wow.

But Good Luck!
lol u r my fav. Character in mc ,anyway good luck ...

User has not been active as of recently.