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Full Version: Are we hosting crappy servers?
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Of course no!
So let's find the problem and fix it!

o_O Er...What?
yeah, minigame physics are broken.
This always happens whenever a map crashes then the server restarts.
The map could be mg_lt_galaxy_v5 or mg_grand_puzzles_f(because someone said that this map crashed the server).
Can you solve the problem? If there are another suspicious map, please let the admins know. Or maybe this problem comes from somewhere?
I've removed both maps. I'll see whether physics are still broken. If so, I'll restart the server.
Maybe if map developers made less buggy maps Rolleyes.
good job! thanks a lot.

it's because of css updates. sometimes map makers have to update their maps to make them compatible with current css version so they won't crash.