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I'm trying to go back to MG server...
but I think MG server is becoming more like "Deathrun & Escape" server.
I haate, absolutely detest Deathrun or Escape. Deathrun or Escape or Parkour maps aren't really Mini-gamish. But, I see, right now, They are doing Saw puzzle, before, it was deathrun. I just can't go back to MG. It has became another server, so I moved on to Dust 2 and Snipers...

We should really make a separate servers for Escape and Deathrun servers... I want to shoot some people, therefore I'm moving onto different games or servers.

Bye Bye MG... UNLESS if you are doing Smee or Ski, I'll come rushing forward to play.
I don't play MG anymore either, it really sucks right now. I just go by or when somebody calls me.. And yeah, I agree with you..
that's what a MG server is for, if you want to ''shoot people'' just go to pops/dust 2 & office....
I hate death run maps really they just get so repetitive now nearly everyone on MG knows the traps. Now my favorite map ski mountain is played once in a day.
Tomix <3 ♥Madelaine♥, post: 65903, member: 4756' Wrote:I hate death run maps really they just get so repetitive now nearly everyone on MG knows the traps. Now my favorite map ski mountain is played once in a day.
Ski mountain is still played a lot of the times in one day.. average it is played 2 times a day, but true the death runs are overplayed. Its just not everyday that when someone comes in it is being played.
I ment, that's why its called MINIGAMES....
Luckily today there really hasn't been much deathruns...
Deathrun was orignally added because there wasn't enough demand for a separate server. Once all the backend changes have been finished we'll be looking at our server options.
actually minigames server is designed for mini-games.
mini-game means not a full game, but can refresh you from the actual game.
and these mini-games include various game modes.
so actually every map in minigames server can be called a minigame map.
For parkour/escape maps, i agree. But for deathrun, it's overplayed. that's the reason why people out there make deathrun servers,
and basically deathrun maps are called dr. Maybe deathrun is a bit different?
anyway there are some people in minigames server who love parkour, multigame, deathrun, shooting maps, and the other maps.

Note : In a nice multigame map, there could be a climb, slide, deathrun, surf, race, some gun-based maps, and possibly some other maps(item battle, balance, boxing ring, etc.).
I agree with every one of you.

Minigames are meant for "refreshing" (QUOTE) games. Not deathrun =__=
i guess i could agree with people who LOVE deathrun, but if you do love deathrun, go to deathrun servers... =__=
If they are doing Deathrun, I just go to Dust 2 DM. It's very fun.
other then that, if we are doing MG maps, Ski, or Smee, etc. I go on and play.
there are many new maps too, so i am very up for maps that aren't deathruns.
Well, I guess that sums up, What I really want to say:
Make a Deathrun Server already, lol

but i still hate Prison_Break, Bank_robbery, Saw_puzzle. bobiii is fun once in a while, it just has problems where people can't finish within 30 minutes and refreshes.
it goes up to 2 hours!!!
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