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Full Version: Ban Appeal, Malignant
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Name: Malignant
SteamID: 0:0:12380900
I was apparently banned for cheating even though I honestly can recall ever being on any of your servers. I request a 2nd chance due to the fact that I cant even recall this ever happening and can safely say that I've never used hacks for anything other than checking demos
You were banned by ESEA. Here's the ban:


Wait for a root to respond.
Additionally, you appear to be VAC banned. :confused:
I was banned from half-life 6 years ago. Friend got a little liberal with my account. Never had any faults on source
The ESEA ban occurred on Mon, 19 Sep 2011. Do you mind explaining that ban?
Only thing I could think of from that is they dont allow glock spamming (binding fire to mouse wheel)

This particular ban was discussed internally. The general consensus was to leave you banned.