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Full Version: Fishy shakeyness.
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Sorry I should have labeled this better....bumping.

edit- I just got this to day...after watching it a few times his "shake" is always a down, up pattern or down, left, right pattern. Does not seem legit at all.

yeah i was playing with him yesterday, he did seem fishy, he got all mad at me for no reason other than having a bad score too.
To be fair that servers was hella laggy yesterday.
edit-I'm never going to get used to not double posting...sorry again.
If some one could just tell me if some thing I did is wrong or if this guy is legit.... I feel like I'm being ignored here trying to report someone.
Please and thanks..

edit-Ya I wanted to make one long demo but it isnt giving me access to the console command that lets you auto spec someone at the start of the round.....meh he was here a few days in a row that I was on maby he will give me another chance. Thanks guys.
I checked it out, it certainly looks fishy but the whole thing seemed choppy and I don't know if that's enough to go off of. If someone else wants to take a look at it and add anything that'd be helpful. Also recording more and not stopping between segments helps as well. The time between deaths can be skipped over so we don't have to type 'playdemo hacks**' everytime. Just get a good 8-10 rounds at the very least unless something is blatantly obvious.
The world isn't a triangle Josh, LOL Big Grin
silly, post: 66382, member: 2152 Wrote:The world isn't a triangle Josh, LOL Big Grin
WTF? I thought it was oval.. :confused: